Things seen and read around the internet

Around the Internet (April 2015)

This is likely to be the last of these posts for a few months, which is why I’m posting now, rather than at the end of April. I’m currently travelling and am unlikely to have much time (or internet, more to the point) for online reading until the end of the summer.


Spring Thaw by Charles Payseur (horrible things coming up from the ice)

The Spine of Worlds by Eric Rosenfield (tower, adventures, crossing worlds)

Monkey King by Zen Cho (Monkey visits Elfland)

Five Things Every Successful Clown Must Do by Derek Manuel (flash fiction, clowns, humour, horror)


More editorial changes at Podcastle, where Rachael K. Jones and Graeme Dunlop have taken over. Congratulations both!

Lackington’s #6 is now available for free online, if you were waiting for that to see the pretty pictures/read the sea stories from last month. Plus note that subs reopen in May for the themes of dreams and architecture.